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Appointment Consulate of Costa Rica in Washington

If you are needing get an appointment at the Costa Rican consulate in Washington To carry out a consular procedure, you must know the contact information of the place. Likewise, we express to you that the Consulate is a crucial institution for Ecuadorians living in the area. Provides vital consular services and acts as a bridge between Costa Rican citizens and their government of origin.

Will get relevant information from the Costa Rican consulate in Washington such as telephone number, location and opening hours. You can also get an appointment for the procedures and for the passport in the link we provide below and find out what all the services provided by the Consulate are.

Contact Information for the Costa Rican Consulate in Washington

The Consulate of Costa Rica in Washington is located at: 2112 “S” Street, NW Washington, U.S. This is the building located between the streets of downtown Washington.

For contact the consulate, you can use the following contact information:

This is the contact information Costa Rican Consulate in Washington with it you can take a turn by telephone or find out the location of the consulate and its hours. Remember that public service hours are Monday to Friday from 09:30 to 1:00.

Map of the Costa Rican consulate in Washington

It may interest you: Embassy of Costa Rica in the United States

Make an appointment at the Costa Rican consulate in Washington

To request an online appointment with the consulate Costa Rican Consulate in Washington you must click the button that we leave below and fill in the fields with the corresponding data to carry out the procedure successfully.


  • Touch the button of “book an appointment”.
  • Select the consular procedure that requires doing.
  • Verify that you have all the documents.
  • choose the Date and Time of the previous appointment.
  • Confirm the appointment by email.

We inform you that You must bring all the documents on the day of the appointment and arrive at the agreed time so that you can be attended to without problems.

What procedures are carried out at the consulate?

The Costa Rican consulates in Washington will provide personalized assistance to your query. These are some of the consular procedures that you can carry out:

  • Apostille and online legalization.
  • passports
  • Visa
  • Nationality
  • Judicial Cooperation
  • Provide assistance in disaster situations.

Passport appointment in Washington

If you need apply for or renew a passport in the consulate from Costa Rica in Washington, you must follow the following steps:

  1. schedule an appointment by tapping the next button.
  2. Search the selection of quotes.
  3. Complete the information that appears at the end of the page.
  4. Make sure you bring your citizenship card and two passport size photographs.
  5. Complete the form passport application at the consulate headquarters.
  6. pay the fee corresponding to the issuance of the passport.
  7. Come back to pick up your passport on the date indicated.

Learn more Costa Rican consulates in the United States

Costa Ricans also have consulates in other US states. Here is a list of them: