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Passport for Chileans

chilean passport

All the people of Chilean nationality can perform the passport being in other countries, whether due to loss, expiration of the document or theft, they only have to be presented at the Chilean Consulate in the United States nearest and carry out the corresponding management. On this site we will tell you how to carry out the process to obtain the new passport in a simple and problem-free way.

Requirements and documents to present

The documents that you must present at the Consulate or Embassy Chilean are the following:

  • You must prove your Chilean nationality from some document, such as
  • In case you Identity card If it is expired, you must complete the corresponding procedure to obtain a new one before obtaining your Chilean passport.
  • In case you want to do the passport for a minor Under 18 years of age, you must appear at the location with your parents or guardians.
    • They must each carry identity card and if necessary a notarial authorization or a copy of the judgment for the personal care of the minor.
  • In case there is lost passport, or have suffered any robbery or theft The respective police report will be required.

Management of the Chilean Passport process

The process is managed in person at the consulate closest to your residence.

The steps to follow to manage the process are as follows:

  1. Show up at the consulate. If you have to request an appointment, consult the location how and where to request it.
  2. Go to the staff and express what procedure you want to carry out.
  3. Submit the required documents.
  4. You will be made to complete a personal information form.
  5. Then, the corresponding biometrics will be taken.
  6. Once the data provided by you is corroborated and approved by the Civil Registry and Identification Service (SRCeI), your passport will be requested.
  7. Ready, you must wait for the new Chilean passport to arrive, this process can take between 30 days to 90 business days.

Chilean embassies and consulates in the United States

We inform you that by clicking on the following button you will be able to access the different Chilean consulates located in the United States of America. Get an appointment by clicking the following buttons on the Chilean Consulate or Embassy that is closest to your home to obtain a new passport or to block it.

Cost of passport processing

The management of the process of chilean passport It has a cost of completion that depends on the type of passport you request.

  • If you request the 32-page passport: The cost of completion is $91, plus three dollars for the consular fee.
  • If you request the 64-page passport: The cost of completion is 92 dollars, plus three dollars for the consular fee. 

It is necessary to inform that these costs are also subject to changes that may occur in each particular country and fluctuations in the US dollar. We suggest that you check its cost before carrying out the procedure.

Important additional information

We inform you that if you have to travel urgently to Chile, you can manage other procedures that will help you travel.

The procedures are the following:

  • You can request the document known as Salvoconducto which allows you to travel to Chile urgently since it has immediate delivery and is valid for 10 days.
  • You can request the emergency passport Chilean people who have lost their passport or had it stolen. We inform you that only those Chilean citizens who are tourists in other nations can request it. To request it, you must submit a police report proving the loss of your ordinary passport or air tickets that demonstrate your continued travel, or return to Chile.

Passport blocking for Chileans abroad

Passport blocking must be done by Chilean citizens who have lost their passport or had it stolen. There are 2 ways to block:

  • Temporarily: It is done at the following link Passport lock.
  • Definitively: It is done in person at the nearest Chilean consulate.

To block your passport permanently, you must follow the steps below:

  1. Present yourself physically at the Chilean consulate.
  2. Express what procedure to carry out: block your Chilean passport.
  3. Express the required information: full name and RUN.
  4. Ready, as a result of the procedure, you will have permanently blocked your passport.
  5. Once this procedure has been completed, you can begin the management of a new chilean passport smoothly.